D&R Tax advisor

D&R Tax advisor

Dzwigała & Ratajczak was established as a partnership around 20 years ago. The practice is focused on providing high quality tax and legal expertise for business of various sizes.
We had the opportunity to redesign their brand identity in order to reflect the values of the company in a modern way. With solid capabilities backed up by decades of experience, they prioritise their relation with their clients which position them as partners rather than external consultants.
The market in tax advisory being filled more and more with newcomers attracting clients thanks to low prices, it was important to focus on D&R approach. They also expressed a need to be able to keep the connection with their current clients while having the opportunity to later increase their reach to new targets.
The visual aspect of the brand was thought to match the practice’s reliability and long lasting existence. We picked a series of refined materials for all the marketing collaterals. The logo was changed into a monogram, giving a it feeling of reliability and trustfulness. The design system is thought to work on all types of formats and connects every element being part of the brand. This helped bringing more consistence and reliability to all brand collaterals.
The discovery phase of the project pointed out the necessity to focus on the website as the main communication channel. It is  used as the first point of contact with their clients, while all the printed collaterals make them come back. They are the embodiment of the two partners approach. They are designed as a physical interpretation of their personality and expertise. D&R being more comfortable having a close relation with their clients, the website is focused around this notion.
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